>In your MMTTY folder (the one that contains the file mmtty.exe),
>is the file extfsk.dll present?
n fact that file is nowhere to be found on the machine at all :-(
So guess I need to go back to your download page and find it.

Its all getting too complicated - the design was a request for a simple Tx for 
beginners that wasn't yet another CW QRP transmitter - and I was hoping RTTY 
would be as dead-simple to get going as it used to be back in the days of yore. 
  Clearly not.

It might even be easier to wrirte my own simple RTTY Tx terminal in VB6.  
Waggling the TXD line using the "MSComm1.Break = True/False"  function will do 
the job if timing can be assured.

And to the others who made comments - 
Setting the shift is part of the self education process - I suggested they use 
Spectran or SpecLab on thre output on an SSB Rx to set up the shift at test.  
Only a case of tweaking a preset R

FeldHell or whatever isn't an option.  Its not on/off keyed - quite 
intentionally - and FSK Hell needs more setting up than RTTY.

Next time a request like that arrives,  I'll be boring and just give them an 
I/Q upconverter + linear amp.

Which reminds me - where is all that datmode software that delivers I/Q stereo 
outputs.  Its only another line or two of code surely.


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