> On 16 Feb 2007, at 17:29, Stefan Bidigaray wrote:
>> What I actually meant was, isn't the Mac layout exactly like the
>> layout?
> Not at all.  OPENSTEP on the left, Mac on the right:
> /NextApps     /Applications
> /NextAdmin    (/Applications/Utilities, /System/Library/CoreServices, /
> Applications)
> /NextLibrary  /System/Library
> /NextDeveloper        /Developer
> /LocalApps    /Applications
> /LocalAdmin   /Applications
> /LocalLibrary /Library
> I think the User and Network domains had the same layout, but maybe
> OPENSTEP had Apps instead of Applications in each.

I could of course encode that as a filesystem layout ;-)  Had to play
hard-and-fast with some of the dir naming, but I think a NeXT-esque layout
would look something like this.  Yes, it is a bit ugly and no, I don't
think I'd really use this layout ;-)


P.S. squirrelmail appears to have attached the file as type
application/octet-stream...it is in fact text/plain with ASCII charset.

Attachment: next
Description: Binary data

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