Hi everyone,

Le 2012-10-08 12:11, Joel Madero a écrit :
On 10/08/2012 03:14 AM, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
I am now wondering if this should be put forth to the board that way
we can
get a clear end all decision and move forward with the forums and getting
them going.

I think we are well beyond this and we should move forward as is, both
user and contributors forum. WORST CASE we have a contributor section
that isn't used, so be it, we deal with that IF AND ONLY IF that
happens. I don't understand why it's gotten so much attention so close
to "going live". Going to the board will only delay what needs to be
done, which is getting a forum together, up and running, as soon as
possible. We still have several more things to do before this can
happen, delaying this step only delays the entire project.

Also, let's keep in mind that the top contributors have not been so
vocally against the section, to me this is a big deal. If you look at
who is the heads of the UX group, the QA group, the developers,
etc...they haven't been nearly as vocal about this.

Again very worst case we have a dead contributor section, and to me,
this is a very small price to pay for moving forward as soon as possible


The option to open a contributor forums for any section will always be open. It is not like this is a "once in a lifetime offer". If a section thinks they may like to have a forums later, they only need to ask, and it will be added.

So far though, IMO, not enough interest from any contributor sections, so no contributor forums will be added. Keep in mind though, we are asking people on "mailing lists" (who have already shown preference, in large part, for communication on mailing lists medium. If we are looking for newer contributors, then, those who would prefer forums will not be offered a chance to join in on the contribution. There are no advocates speaking in the name of the contributor-forums people.

IMO, it's really a catch-22 ... we are in need of new contributors, some sections are in fact, in dire need of contributors (we are not only talking of devs, but the other people who make up the various parts of the project (designers, marketers, documentors, wiki-updaters, webmasters, website maintainers and the list is quite large!); the people who are already contributing are those who are mostly interested/specializing on communicating through the mailing lists, with very little interest in forums "talk" and its organization of information. If we ask these people which medium the prefer, well, the answer is pretty obvious -- this is why they are on the mailing lists. There are no advocates for the "potential contributors" who may prefer the forums medium.

If we consider this, and base our decision, less on an emotional response, but on the desire to attract new contributors, we should offer potential contributors a door into our contributor-world. Who knows, the OOo contributors who are now on the LibO contributor project have been so entrenched on the use of mailing lists for so long, perhaps you may find that a good portion of contributors will find the forums a better medium of conversation. Trying a forums option for a few months to gauge any response, again, IMO, would be a good measurement, and, could later be adapted as an entry-point to the contributor side of the project.

The fact remains, that we are looking for ways to firstly help our user-base, and, from there, to gain a larger contributor base. Trying out a contributor forums is not a very big spoiler for the project if it doesn't work out. Any of the information on any forums may be moved around or even migrated to the mailing lists even if we have to do it by hand. Let's face it, if there is too much information, then the contributor forums are working.

I am off to celebrate our day of Thanksgiving with family (celebrated in Canada on this day), and will be back later tonight (UTC-5).

Wishes of a nice to day to everyone.



Marc Paré
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