Hi guys,

I have written a fair few little tween functions/classes, all of which I
have made generic - ie you pass in a property to tween and it's parent obj
(doesn't have to be a dom node) and you also pass in the 'tween function' -
these were all 'ported' from the robert penner originals that got used in

The cool thing about them is they are small and provide every type of easing
animation you could want - and they all take the same parameters (with the
exception of a few more complex ones like elastic and bounce which have one
or two more parameters)

Now after that waffle I'd like to suggest that it would be good to be able
to pass in a function to the animate method too - much like you can pass a
function into the default array .sort() method - this function would enable
different styles of easing anmation.

I might end up rewriting the animate method or making a new tween/ease one
if this isn't being worked on or considered at all. I don't really want to,
there are many better javascripters out there and I'd hate to make a sub-par
jquery extension. But since I'm porting a lot of my own ui scripts to
versions written using jquery (not as plugins), I will end up needing this
so unless someone else is working on it or fancies the idea then I will
start it in my spare time.

Just a suggestion.


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