Hi Everyone -

I want to start a discussion about the features that should go into
(or be removed from) the upcoming 1.1 release. I'd like to shoot for a
release by the end of this month.

I know that Joern already has some event code, ready to be committed -
and I have the "non-destructive jQuery" code ready to go. Brandon
mentioned that he wants to rewrite the jQuery.attr() in time for
release too.

No significant features are going to be added to this release, think
of it as jQuery 1.0++.

Right now, the jQuery compressed build is teetering around 18-19KB, I
really want to try and cut this down. Any thoughts on particular
features that should be extracted into a plugin?

For example: Since the 'form' plugin already does serialization really
really well (much better  than jQuery's serialization). I'm tempted to
remove the serialization plugin from core and just defer everyone to
using the form plugin.

Also, stuff like .height() and .width() could be removed in favor of
using the (more powerful) methods of the same name in the 'Dimensions'

Let me know if you have any ideas.


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