I think that it would be great if we had a few bundled "flavors" like:


This way we get the benefit of claiming all the features and can claim 
"starting at only xx bytes" based on the packed size of the minimal 
flavor. Providing a other flavors makes it easy for uses to grab a 
package of features without having to deal with build issues.


John Resig wrote:
> Hi Everyone -
> I want to start a discussion about the features that should go into
> (or be removed from) the upcoming 1.1 release. I'd like to shoot for a
> release by the end of this month.
> I know that Joern already has some event code, ready to be committed -
> and I have the "non-destructive jQuery" code ready to go. Brandon
> mentioned that he wants to rewrite the jQuery.attr() in time for
> release too.
> No significant features are going to be added to this release, think
> of it as jQuery 1.0++.
> Right now, the jQuery compressed build is teetering around 18-19KB, I
> really want to try and cut this down. Any thoughts on particular
> features that should be extracted into a plugin?
> For example: Since the 'form' plugin already does serialization really
> really well (much better  than jQuery's serialization). I'm tempted to
> remove the serialization plugin from core and just defer everyone to
> using the form plugin.
> Also, stuff like .height() and .width() could be removed in favor of
> using the (more powerful) methods of the same name in the 'Dimensions'
> plugin.
> Let me know if you have any ideas.
> --John
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