I agree with a lot of what you are saying.  The jQuery site, though a
useful tool is a little dull and as you say doesn't tell you how
"fresh" things are.

I think a leaf could be taken out of what some other communities on
the web do and look at making the jQuery homepage more like a
community hub, and less like a "this is jQuery" page.

A few additional ideas to what I had before:

Have a "today" box telling you all the freshest information such as
current build of jQuery, latest/updated plugins, links to tutorials
for beginners on the front page, clearer nacvigation.


On 12/7/06, Solid Source <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Of particular importance to JQuery I believe is finding a way to help
> developers understand VERY OBVIOUSLY that this is not another
> Prototype/Dojo///, but rather a very different way to address the issue of
> DOM interaction in a concise not overly verbose manner. I have used every
> major(and minor for that matter) lib out there for various projects/apps and
> I am absolutely committed to JQuery after all my experimenting.
> You all know why ... :)
> The only reason it took so long for me to convert was that I saw JQuery
> initially as just another lib. JQuery was less publicized at the time and
> that made for easy oversight of it's true value.
> If you/we find a way to make it obvious at first glance(wherever the first
> glance lives) what we have here is special in a way you haven't experienced
> yet in your libquest(s), along with a very concise and simple(layman's
> terms) why, I feel this would be a huge benefit.
> So I pointed out a problem so here's a few ideas/solutions:
> 1. Change the slogan "New Wave Javascript" to something more along the lines
> of explaining what it does or how it does it rather than what it is.
> Everyone thinks they are new wave right? :)
> 2. The jquery.com homepage has this text as the first paragraph at the top,
> "jQuery is a new type of Javascript library. It is not a huge, bloated
> framework promising the best in AJAX - nor is it just a set of needlessly
> complex enhancements - jQuery is designed to change the way that you write
> Javascript.". Along with the first section heading, "What is jQuery?".
> Why did this not sink in for me the first few times I visited the site? I'll
> choose some libraries that I have used in the past, before converting, and
> break out their home pages ...
> 1. dojo: "Dojo is the Open Source JavaScript toolkit that makes professional
> web development better, easier, and faster."
> 2. prototype: "Prototype is a JavaScript framework that aims to ease
> development of dynamic web applications"
> 3. scriptaculous/proto: "script.aculo.us provides you with easy-to-use,
> cross-browser user interface JavaScript libraries to make your web sites and
> web applications fly."
> 4. mochikit: "Makes JavaScript suck less." - I love this one
> 5. rico: "An open-source JavaScript library for creating rich internet
> applications. Rico provides full AJAX support, drag and drop management and
> a cinematic effects library."
> commonalities: they all make JavaScript development better, easier, and
> faster of course :). This was what stuck everytime I crawled the web for a
> new library, so I was looking unconsciously for something to stand out other
> than the obvious.
> I think the JQuery homepage explanation is very honest, but it "sounded"
> like it was going to make my development better, easier, and faster. I
> didn't want to spend the time(I hit JQuery after proto,script,mochi,rico) to
> try yet another lib, especially if it is less known - probably meaning rel.
> cycles are low, community is small, plug ins obsolete. I might have taken
> the time if I had somehow "got it" without having to dig around a commit a
> lot of time. So ... long winded point comes ... if the homepage featured
> very little text describing JQuery, and a lot more functional concise
> examples, and talk of community, plugins, etc ... I think the segways from
> what do I need, to hey that looks nice, to let me try that with my problem,
> to why didn't I start using this sooner mean new JQuery users faster.
> closing example: JQuery homepage-marketing landing page
> JQuery - "some catchy, maybe slightly off topic phrase" - remember Mochi -
> "Makes JavaScript suck less."
> example
> brief expl. 1 $() method, maybe - why is this different than prototype?
> brief how
> dom manipulation example 1 - link to demos
> brief how
> effects example 1 - link to demos
> brief how
> dom manipulation example 2 - link to demos
>  - start hitting the what and whys of JQ
> brief how
> .get() - .post() - .load() example 1 - link to demos
> ...
> ...
>  - really get into the what and whys of JQ
> Thinking out loud here :).
> thumblewend wrote:
> >
> > Hi Rey,
> > This is slightly off-topic of me but I'm not sure how else to get in
> > contact with you. I just want you to know that I replied to your
> > direct email a few weeks ago (regarding the case study), but I think
> > my email didn't get past your junk filter. Please advise if you are
> > still interested, and maybe add my email to your address book so I
> > get through to you.
> > Sorry for this email everyone else, please forgive me.
> >
> > Joel Birch.
> >
> > On 08/12/2006, at 12:45 AM, Rey Bango wrote:
> >
> >> Guys, some of you may know of my efforts to get jQuery more exposure.
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > jQuery mailing list
> > discuss@jquery.com
> > http://jquery.com/discuss/
> >
> >
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/Efforts-to-Convert-Folks-to-jQuery-tf2774482.html#a7744856
> Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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