Suggestions from the information architect in me:

1. Get a global navigation,  The links at the bottom are not natural.  At
the top, in big buttons horizontal.
    a. Home
    b. Samples
    c. Plugins
    d. Support
    e. Download
    f. Blog

a. Home
This page should say what it is and have a quick example or two.  Also, it's
cool to put sites up that use it.  Reduces the guinea pig factor.  The
current page might be too long.  One of the things I thought was REALLY
compelling was the "every other row a different color" comparrison chart.
Maybe have a link on the homepage saying, "See how jQuery stands up to other

b. Samples
These should have LOTS of samples. Lots and lots of examples, organized into
different categories.  Samples make adopting a framework much easier.  Maybe
make a sample search.  Each sample should say which version of
jQuery/plugins it uses.

c. Plugins.  Take a page from Mozilla in how they handle plugins.  Each
plugin has a standard page.  The big long list was good for a while, but
jQuery has outgrown it.  Move to a bigger architecture for it.

d. Support
Documentation, FAQ's, Mailing List, Nabble Links etc etc etc.

e. Download
The download tool and subversion and all the plugins.  It is really
important to have simple and clear changelogs for all the software organized
well with version numbers.

Taglines are good, but nothing beats Information Architecture to get people
to understand.  I do this sort of thing for a living, so this isn't
preference or opinion.  Additionally, a visual design update would make
jQuery look a little more buttoned up.

Hope this helps
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