I think Amazon is definitely on the right track with the Kindle in
terms for creating an online experience, instead of just a device
that can display text and images. We've all seen it; iPod clearly
proved that with enough creative thinking behind the scenes, a
company can create a complete interactive experience (device, iTunes,
iTunes store, 3rd party support etc.). So I think by following that
model, Amazon is already ahead of the game compared to say Sony, or
others. And they are most likely to succeed, with more than a decade
of online media experience and robust infrastructure.

Here is my initial impression:
On the positive side:
- Great move with whispernet. Especially that you don't have to
subscribe to a monthly service.
- Integrated keyboard
- Lightweight
- Unique design that is not reminiscent of the iPod
- Long battery life
- Newspaper mode
- Connects to wikipedia and has a built-in dictionary

And not so positive:
- Small screen size compared to the actual footprint
- Low resolution
- No color
- No pdf support
- Cannot connect to just any blog, only the ones available in the
store. So forget about posting to your own blog, or responding to
comments (I hope I'm wrong about this one)
- No touch screen (I'm guessing it's a limitation of e-ink
- Dated look. I think they were shooting for  a design that didn't
look like an electronic device (like the Sony reader) but
unfortunately it's a failure. The Kindle still looks like an
electronic device to me. One from the 80's. It also reminds me of a
cheap toy, almost like a streamlined etch-a-sketch.



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Posted from the new ixda.org

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