Well, Andrei, I've thought about this on and off for about a day now
(I really must get a life) and -- subtracting my ego from the
equation -- I do agree with your scathing criticism of that study.

I had liked it because it generally confirmed my own subjective
impressions and experience, which also are unscientific but based on
many years as a fan and a user of good typography in print media --
and several years of experience assisting people with visual (and
other) disabilities. Mea culpa.

So back to the original question, now that we've savaged this study:
Are there valid studies/discussions of this topic available? Benoit
may still want to know. I've found these, for our further

# Bringhurst's book excerpted online at http://webtypography.net/

# http://www.webaim.org/techniques/fonts/

# http://www.wilsonweb.com/wmt6/html-email-fonts.htm (here,
especially, some of the examples call attention to Andrei's points
about line-length and other results of inexpert testing ... if the
examples shown are an indication of what was tested, 12-point Arial
and 12-point Verdana cannot be reasonably compared using the same
column width because the optimum line length is different for each)


All these, including the study from Wichita, have value in focusing
our attention on the way we use typography. If we apply our own
critical thinking skills, we can probably distill all this into a
better understanding. And maybe even design a better study of our
own, if we're so inclined.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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