On Feb 17, 2009, at 6:45 PM, Dan Saffer wrote:
I humbly submit (in order of appearance):
Vannevar Bush
Ivan Sutherland
Doug Engelbart
Bob Taylor
Alan Kay
Larry Tesler
Tim Mott
Mitch Kapor
Jef Raskin
Bill Atkinson
Shigeru Miyamoto
Marc Andreessen
Jeff Hawkins
Will Wright
My criteria was a lasting contribution via products to the shared language of interaction design that has informed and inspired current generations of designers (knowingly or unknowingly).

I appreciate Dan's focus on *people who have designed things*, rather than the many people who have *said interesting things about interaction design* or *run interaction design companies*.

In that vein, I continue:

Immediate predecessors and still-contemporaries I'm sure Dan merely overlooked:
- Hugh Dubberly
- Tim Berners-Lee
- Jaron Lanier
- Ted Nelson
- Terry Winograd
- Herbert Simon
- Claude Shannon
- Marvin Minsky
- Sid Meier

Some old school people who shaped our deepest thinking about interaction:
- Alexander Graham Bell
- Thomas Edison
- Charles Babbage & Ada Lovelace
(it's interesting to observe that we often call truly great design "invention")

Some bad modernist influences (I love these idealistic crazies, and they're widely emulated, but they're not good designers to emulate IMHO!)
- Le Corbusier
- Buckminster Fuller

I also think that some of the most resonant interaction design concepts that many of us think of every day, perhaps subconsciously, were invented by creators of fictional worlds:
- Gene Roddenberry
- Stanley Kubrick
- Philip K Dick
- Neal Stephenson
- William Gibson


Christopher Fahey
biz: http://www.behaviordesign.com
me: http://www.graphpaper.com

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