I don't think anybody knows who any of the below mentioned men are, East of the Sacramento River.

Physical architecture has been around and celebrated as a celebrity- worship-worthy vocation, for thousands of years. *Everybody* in a given region also sees buildings, whereas not everybody uses most pieces of software.

Software design has only been a vocation for a couple of decades. My family in Oklahoma still give me blank stares when I explain what I do- and so despite no longer being employed by Yahoo!, I still just blurt out "oh, I make Yahoo!," and that's pretty much the only thing that will prompt the raised-eyebrow-nod of comprehension. So they either then get that I work on teh internets w/o any further drill- down clarification (which they wouldn't know what to do with anyway), or they think I'm a hooker- and either, I'm fine with, so long as they quit asking.

Raymond Loewy and Yves Behar I also think are only design-community and design-conscious community celebrities... known only among the Prada-wearing or New-Balance sneakers w/ free software-shirt wearing geeks out there.

Challenge (perhaps?) for our own community: surfacing and celebrating the women mavericks among us, and lessening the sausage-party-ness of design celebrity. I know the biggest contributor to this "problem" is that there just aren't that many chicks in the field to begin with... but in a big long list, it does seem un-fit for no estrogen to preside.

:D n

On Feb 17, 2009, at 2:59 PM, Joel Eden wrote:

The Woz is going to be on the next season of Dancing with the
Stars...does that count?  :-)


On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 5:55 PM, Weston Thompson <westo...@gmail.com> wrote:
Possible exceptions you missed:

- Steve Jobs
- Jeff Bezos
- Sergei Brin
- Larry page
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