Hi Jared,

Sorry for my lack if responses, currently adjusting to my new life as a father and learning how to manage my time. I gave been following, just not able to respond as much as I wish.

I don't see any moral issues when it comes to influencing a persons behavior. Simple because at the end of the day the person can always choose to do something different. It is when we as designers take that choice away I see an issue. The real debate defing the line that seperates influence and control and what types of influence seem to push the envelope on "right" or "wrong".

Dave recent comment on HOW we influence is very interesting and one that I want to explore more.

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On Jul 28, 2009, at 7:44 PM, Jared Spool <jsp...@uie.com> wrote:

On Jul 28, 2009, at 11:51 AM, Dan Lockton wrote:

it's a great debate

If only I understood what we were debating.

It's disappointing when an author posts his article for discussion then doesn't participate in said discussion. Maybe we should debate how that is "wrong"?

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