When used together with other user experience research, Eye tracking
offers tremendous value for improving products.

Eye tracking measures unconscious behavior - and provides data that
people simply cannot verbalize in other common user research methods,
especially think aloud usability testing protocols. Decades of
psychology research show that much human behavior occurs at an
unconscious level.

The human eye, for example, can make up to 5 fixations per second and
this occurs below people's level of conscious awareness. So in a 30
second scan of a typical homepage, the customer may be looking at up
to 150 items on the page. Your customers (or research participants)
simply cannot verbally tell you where their eyes are going and this
is exactly the value that good eye tracking data provides. 

Knowing what people are looking at - and in what order - is essential
information for improving interaction and visual design on websites.
Creating a design that guides eye flow in a way that meets both
business and user needs is an essential part of an "easy-to-use"

Our experience is that visual attention data IS correlated with
behavioral performance metrics. If people don't "see" something,
then they are less likely to click it. Rather than waiting many weeks
or months to see live site click-thru behavior, you can incorporate
eye tracking earlier in your product cycle to make the design process
more efficient.

For example, if you are working on several iterations of your
homepage in a redesign effort (common scenario for most internet
companies!), knowing which design better captures visual attention
and how it is distributed across the page elements - is a critical
input to iterative design work. And 
 as we all know, sometimes its much harder (or impossible) to change
things later, so there's a huge advantage to obtaining this data as
early as possible in the product design cycle and not waiting until

disclaimer - yes, we provide eye tracking!


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