I like this thread because it made me realize I do not have an
articulated list of principles that I can point to.  While I'm
working on that here's a couple of thoughts:

Give a crap and remember that nice people will have to use your
design to accomplish something--don't ruin their day and remember
that they will not necessarily think like you the designer

Easy is more important than and does not always equate to "just one

Fun, delightful and beautiful are business worthy goals

Edit--words, designs, process, graphics

Get outside feedback--other designers for critique, stakeholders for
business goals, subject matter experts for knowledge, users for

Use the right tool (software, technology, process,approach)  to solve
the design problem; Don't be limited to one solution for all problems

Sometimes your project success will be determined by whether or not
you choose to be the bigger person and make the effort to bridge the
conceptual/ideological gap--not your awesome design/coding

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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