I think these observations are on track - what people's wives need ie
what *most
*people do in terms of computing.

Computing on a mass scale as envisioned by "ubiquitous" computing a few
years ago was pointless.
Fridges that track when you are out of milk etc...light bulbs that run
software inside them...it was technology looking
to fit into our lives.

Yet, the problem of using the CPUs we already have was still there.  We're
becoming chained to the net, but we're also
chained physically to our laptop.  Widespread dissemination of digital media
- basically the internet is still not a solved problem...
getting youtube, and online newspapers and the www into the hands of
everyone to compete with the TV.  Not a solved problem.
I am sure user research would show that many people do not walk around the
house with their laptops (designers are probably an exception!)

I think Apple really lives by the idea of bringing content to the masses
through Design.  They may not have got all the nuances
of what that means right in this release, but they will.  The nuances
include the form factor in your hand (have they made it natural at
1.5lbs), the durability of it after a fall,  the battery life (really
10hrs?),  the radiation and heat (is it really going to be cool to the
and the general usability when textual input is required.


On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 11:20 PM, Luke Wroblewski <l...@lukew.com> wrote:

> To me this is the market for this device. My wife is exactly the same, she
> surfs the Web, reads blogs, watches TV & movies, and looks at photos on her
> Macbook. This is a couch device, a bedroom device (don't read that the wrong
> way), a kitchen device (swivel it to cook from a recipe). All places where a
> laptop always felt wrong.
> I think of it a digital version of your leisure activities –reading,
> communicating, light gaming, surfing, etc. Not your work activities
> (PC/laptop) or your on the go activities (smartphone).
> On Jan 27, 2010, at 6:59 PM, mark schraad wrote:
> > As soon as they are taking them I will place my order for a couple. The
> wife's macbook is about to die and she basically surfs the web, uploads
> photos and checks email. The ipad connected by wireless to my home network
> (with more storage available there) will work just great. I also anticipate
> her being able to play music on the stereo and a hundred other things from
> the couch.
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