I've been a happy Duo user personally (Google, GitHub) for a while. The
push/phone integration is nice.

We're moving to Okta for identity federation + SSO and we're going to
integrate it with Duo.

Kinda over RSA. Our (few) test users liked the Duo push and one-button
response compared to the RSA enter digits thing.

On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 4:55 AM, Robert Hajime Lanning <lann...@lanning.cc>

> Attack vectors...
> The difference is "can the private key (something you have) be copied?"
> PKI hardware token: No.
> File on notebook: Yes.
> A PKI key on its own as a file on a harddrive is equal to a really complex
> password. So complex that you can't remember it so it is written down.
> So, you encrypt the private encryption key with a passphrase. You have now
> put a password on your password.
> If the key can be copied, then it does not subscribe to something you have
> being unique. A passphrase can be copied, so it is also not unique. The
> combination of the two are not unique.
> Malware can attack a file on notebook and steal keystrokes for a
> passphrase.
> For PKI hardware, data is sent to the token itself where the token (using
> it's own processor) encrypts/signs the data with the private key. The
> private key cannot be copied/read off the token.  The private key can only
> be generated/used/erased via API calls to the hardware.
> PKI USB tokens are basically smart card readers with a smart card
> permanently attached.
> On 12/01/16 11:07, Morgan Blackthorne wrote:
>> I guess I'm not seeing much of a distinction between someone knowing
>> your password and someone knowing the passphrase on your key. If you
>> have a passphrase set, having a copy of the key does you no good without
>> the passphrase. But there's a pretty equivalent concern about someone
>> having both pieces of that equation vs. a normal password. Now something
>> like an OTP setup is a different story.
>> I agree with the enforcement perspective on keys; I wish SSH had a way
>> to flag whether or not a passphrase was enabled for a key and then
>> control restrictions on the server side as to what accounts are
>> whitelisted for automation vs. normal users where a passphrase is
>> enforced. But at the end of the day I'm unconvinced that a key is any
>> less secure than a password, as long as you have a passphrase configured.
>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Robert Hajime Lanning
>> <lann...@lanning.cc <mailto:lann...@lanning.cc>> wrote:
>>     Requiring a passphrase on your private key is not enforceable.
>>     And the key can be duplicated. So if someone has a copy of your key
>>     and gets/guesses your passphrase, you won't know they have access.
>>     Having the private key generated on a PKI hardware token that
>>     *enforces* a PIN/passphrase to access, covers those bases.
>>     On Dec 1, 2016, Morgan Blackthorne <mor...@windsofstorm.net
>>     <mailto:mor...@windsofstorm.net>> wrote:
>>         If you have a passphrase on your private key (as one should),
>>         would that not be considered something you know as well?
>>         On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 10:34 AM, Robert Hajime Lanning
>>         <lann...@lanning.cc <mailto:lann...@lanning.cc>> wrote:
>>             I have only implemented RSA, but I will be doing a bit of
>>             research on this topic shortly.
>>             For my current job we'll be needing MFA for a secure
>>             environment, in the next couple of months. They won't be
>>             able to afford RSA.
>>             But I do need to note that PKI key+Duo is not MFA.
>>             (Something you have + Something you have)
>>             MFA is Multi Factor Authentication and is defined as: (pick
>>             2+ separate items)
>>             1) Something you know (password/PIN not written down)
>>             2) Something you have (device that can not be copied, RSA
>>             fob, PKI hardware token/smart card...)
>>             3) Something you are (biometrics)
>>             RSA is fob + PIN.
>>             My current plan is a PKI hardware token that requires a
>>             PIN/passcode to unlock the token to use the private key
>>             contained within. The key pair is generated on the token and
>>             the private key cannot be copied off the token.
>>             Ssh and openvpn clients support PKCS#11 for PKI hardware.
>>             On Dec 1, 2016, Morgan Blackthorne <mor...@windsofstorm.net
>>             <mailto:mor...@windsofstorm.net>> wrote:
>>                 I'm an end-user of Duo at the day job and relatively
>>                 happy with it. Was not involved in the setup, though.
>>                 OTOH I remember someone in #lopsa saying they had
>>                 problems with them and had been unhappy. Can't remember
>>                 who or why offhand, hopefully they'll chime in on this
>>                 thread.
>>                 I will note that the most common problem with Duo that
>>                 I've personally seen is when folks have it configured to
>>                 give them a phone call instead of running the app and
>>                 getting a push notification. In our setup, to access the
>>                 windows jumpbox we start an RDP session, and after
>>                 normal user auth, it then triggers a Duo challenge. But
>>                 the phone call setting seems to get delayed enough that
>>                 the RDP session fails with a network policy error.
>>                 People adjusting their user config with push
>>                 notifications works better. I have not looked into
>>                 seeing if you can just ! blanket disable that o! ption,
>>                 but it seems a bit odd that they offer that as a service
>>                 when it doesn't work; then again, we may have a more
>>                 aggressive timeout policy on the Duo portion than is
>>                 recommended. Again, wasn't involved in the setup as it
>>                 predated me, so I'm not sure.
>>                 I know it also works with Linux boxes and that's on my
>>                 list to check out, just haven't gotten to it yet. We'd
>>                 likely only enable it on nodes with public IPs that have
>>                 SSH listening/allowed, so it has been low on my priority
>>                 list.
>>                 Duo is also apparently free depending on how many
>>                 users/devices you have, whereas last time I heard about
>>                 the RSA setup, it was very expensive. I'm planning on
>>                 adding Duo support to my personal AWS Linux nodes for
>>                 SSH (so key+MFA auth, no passwords allowed).
>>                 On W! ed, Nov 30, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Kyle Stewart
>>                 <_kylestew...@outlook.com
>>                 <mailto:_kylestew...@outlook.com>> wrote:
>>                     Hi all, hope this email finds everyone well. We're
>>                     looking into setting up two-factor authentication at
>>                     my company for a 2017 project and I'm in the "Let's
>>                     get the lay of the land" phase. Right now it seems
>>                     like Duo is making big headway in this market, but
>>                     I've heard good things about RSA as well. I'd love
>>                     to get some first-hand feedback from people who have
>>                     used these types of 2FA solutions who aren't sales
>>                     people :)
>>                     Overall I get what 2FA/MFA does, but I'm blurry on
>>                     how it gets implemented - at face value I'm very
>>                     interested in Duo so if anyone has experience with
>>                     Duo and setting it up (preferably alongside Palo
>>                     Alto's and GlobalProtect) that'd be fantastic.
>>                     Thanks in advance!
> --
> Mr. Flibble
> King of the Potato People
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/RobertLanning
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