Hi Bruce,

wrt the Brazillian TerraLib toolkit mentioned in your paper:

- I've had a quick look at the web site. The product appears to be quite mature and functional.

- Has anyone from this list had a technical look at the products and like to share their observations? Can they be integrated with OSGeo apps? Do they support OGC standards etc?

Bruce Bannerman

I believe that TerraLib would deserve a better "technical look" than what I did but my initial impression was very favorable. What impress me the most was the raster-on-rdbms support.

I download and installed the TerraView application and imported some raster data files to PostgreSQL and it works like a charm, but again, that would deserve a performance evaluation.

The source code repository is not as open as GDAL (for example) but I believe that out-side contributors should be able to suggest modification by sending CVS patches at least.

There are very good (normally expensive) image processing algorithms implemented on the library, e.g. segmentation, Wavelets. There is a rich set of vectors algorithms too.

Talking about integration with other OSGeo projects I believe that the current TerraLib RC uses GDAL.

Best regards,


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