I've been annoyed by this since, I think, I upgraded to 6.5.3, and 7.2
hasn't fixed it either. I find that the Now Playing list is often
empty, or has not been updated with what I had been listening to. I
always power off my SB3 between listening sessions (ie my remote sends
a 'stop' and then powers off my amp which has a trigger output to
switch the SB power supply on/off) - ie the power to the SB3 is cut
off. Not sure if that is relevant. Also I tend to listen to randome
songs, which might (not) be relevant.

When I next turn the SB3 on I want to be able to pick up from where I
left off last time, but more often than not the 'Now playing' list has
not been updated, or is even empty. I've tried changing the screen
saver whilst playing to 'jump to now playing' (which I think is a new
option), but that doesn't help. It does seem to behave better if I
manually view 'now playing' before powering off.

I'm sure it used to work OK (ie pre 6.5.3).

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