I've looked at setting up Squeemote as a streaming client but the stream
seemed to have far too much of a delay for it to be usable. If this
changes, it is definitely something I would look at.

Regarding crashing on playlists, could you be more specific - does it
seem random? Do you do something in particular before it crashes? Has
it crashed anywhere else?

Glad you like the devices screen. The main reason I haven't tackled
multiple device playback is because I think its a hard problem to solve
UI-wise. Its something I want to get just right and requires some

Re: powering off devices -most definitely coming. Its my biggest
annoyance (about my own app!). Again this was more of a UI problem than
a programming issue. I will work it out.

Out of interest, how big is your library and how long did it take to
sync? What about downloading artwork? I'm aware that performance is
affected whilst this is happening but it should only happen when you
sync (and I plan to add a feature in the next release to refresh
artwork for a single album).

Luke Redpath
Luke Redpath's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=859
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