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Question: Does Album Catalogue Creator (RC5+) create a trustworthy
- Yes
- Yes but with minor issues
- No
- It does not work at all

Kossu;387340 Wrote: 
> I was happy too soon :)
> Test goes ok and the Catalog creation starts ok...I think. After a
> while (about 10-15 minutes) I get an error message. The message is in
> finnish, so I don't put it here, but it says something like "the script
> thats running in Explorer might make the pc work slower. Do you want to
> quit? YES - NO"
> If I press No - the work seems to continue, but I get the same message
> over and over again. I've continued this for a couple of hours, but
> nothing happens. And finally I press the Yes -button and sometimes I
> get a html-page with headers, but nothing in it. Sometimes not eaven
> that.
> I'm sorry if this has allready been answered previously, I haven't had
> the time to go through all the messages.
> Thanks in advance for the possible solutions.

Windows monitors processes. If processes become too busy, windows
reports the message you reported. This can mean the scripts eithers
hangs or the script is very busy making Windows thinks there is
something wrong with it.
To check if ACC is really doing something while running, check if the
log file is growing. If zo, ignore the Windows messages. 

You can also mail me a logfile of a moment in time where ACC has been
running for a while.



Author of -'AlbumCatalogCreator' (http://acc.vanholt.nl)- for
SqueezeCenter & SlimServer
SilverRS8's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=12818
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=41597

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