I suspect that if the original post had read 'I'm about to renovate an
old  house and am considering running speaker wire ...' (rather than 'I
recently renovated an old house and ran in-wall speaker cables...'), the
consensus view would have been 'don't bother running the speaker wire.' 
So maybe it dependes on how much you are determined to use the speaker
wire now that you've run it?

Said another way if the design question was: I'm about to renovate a
house and want to have music avalable in a number of rooms/zones and I
don't want to have traditional stereo components visible in each
room/zone, how should I do it?

Then the likely (or at least my) answer would be something like: You
get the most flexibility (ie, can play different music in every
room/zone) by putting a SB (of some sort) in each room along with
amplification (of some sort) and speakers.  Given the reasonably high
quality of 'powered' speakers (many threads on this topic) and tiny
footprint of the SBR you you can accomplish unobtrusiveness pretty well
in any room/zone where that matters.

On the other hand, if you are absolutely committed to the basement
audio closet there's no reason why you can't have either a 6-zone amp
and then one or some SBs (that would be one or some 'audio-in'
components to that amp OR as many SB+Amp combos as you want to have
separate and simultaneous music playing somewhere in the house.  Just
be clear if you want to play different music simultaneously in
different zones you need as manay SBs as you want different music
streams: one SB will let you play one music stream in one, some or all
zones; but if you want to play 6 different music streams simultaneously
you'll need 6 SBs somewhere in the equation.

I've got both situations.  In my regular house I've got a bunch of SBs
with a bunch of amplification/speakers combinations.  I also have a
weekend house that happened to come with a built-in multi-zone system
with in-ceiling speakers and in-wall control units running back to a
central closet with a 6-zone amp.  I have 2 SBs connected as 'audio-in'
devices which allows any zone to play one of the two SBs; that is I have
a max of two music streams, though either stream can be played any one,
some or all zones at a given time.  That setup is a little goofy and I
certainly wouldn't have done it if the built-in stuff wasn't already
there but it works ok. 

(fwiw, the built-in system was orders of magnitude more expensive than
a 6-zone with 6 SBs setup would have been; it's also a bit more
complicated since one has to turn on the zone using the in-wall control
pad and then select music using a SBC--like I said, a little goofy).


sbd + Rockit5s (powered) speakers
sb3 + AudioEngine 2s (powered) speakers
sb2 + Sony receiver + klipsch bookshelf speakers
sb3 + Sonic TAmp + Cambridge SW speakers
sb3 + m:Audios (powered) speakers 
(decommissioned auditron w/ late, lamented 'knob')
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