
first, thank you for your exquisite app. 

Second: I have been playing with both Ipeng and Squidgy - Ipeng is more
immediate, and loads the database in the background, which gives it a
remarkable zippiness. Also, I can control both the volume and ffw
(Squidgy only allows me to change the volume, and does not give me a
feedback on the volume changing, numerical and auditory, which IPeng
What Squidgy does and (to my knowledge) IPeng does not, is give me an
intuitive control of playlists (playing a song now or adding it to a
playlist for later, which I can then reorder in real time): is this a
feature that is either implemented (and I have not found out yet) or
which will be implemented in future?

I confess I also like the Squidgy template a little more, but this is a
matter of taste, so really not that crucial.




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