There is plenty of room in the market between $100 Airport Express
clients used as Airtunes endpoints, and a Sonus or even Meridian/Soloos
system if it comes to high end.

The positioning of Logitech / Slim products is fine by me in terms of
price point. 

What is less clear to me is whether this line of products can acquire
the ease of use and robustness needed to make this, a fun product for
the average public school teacher to own. It's fine to aim at
professionals, but it would be great if the majority of enthusiastic
owners were not necessarily -engineering- professionals. 

It's interesting how the Open model of software development gives users
the feeling of being somehow part owners of the company, even expecting
they can influence strategy and company culture with nothing more than a
well-crafted forum posting!  There's plenty of things I wish were
different about the way these guys develop and release software,
starting with making them all take the Hippocratic oath to "first, do no
harm." In other words, thou shalt not regress the codebase. But then I
have to remember it's not my company, I will not be held accountable for
what is released. It's not my problem. Now back to the music...


"Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you..."
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