I hope you don't mind, I ran a couple sections of your post through

ChrisOwens;451426 Wrote: 
> It seems sometimes like there's a clear trade-off between
> closed-source, reliable, limited, friendly products and those that are
> open-source, unreliable, hacker-friendly, but user-hostile.

"SqueezeCenter is junk. Every day I rue our decision not to use Windows
Mobile for the Controller. Unless you are a masochist, you would be wise
to buy gear from Sonos. Or Apple. Anyone else, really."

ChrisOwens;451426 Wrote: 
> Christopher Owens
> QA Manager

"Trust me, nobody knows better than I just how awful our products

Seriously, what are you talking about? Have you been comparing iPhone
to OpenMoko's FreeRunner or something?  :-)


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