toby10;469681 Wrote: 
> -  Several friends & family working for large retailers in middle to
> upper management.
> -  My next door neighbor was a regional supervisor for CC for three
> years and has been the same for BB for over four years now (recruited
> HEAVILY by BB). 
> -  Me being personal friends with the regional reps for Yamaha and
> Furman.
> They all have stories to tell, believe me!   :)
> Then my own personal experience as well, going back to my prior two
> employers from 1984 through 1996, and now being self employed since
> 1996.  But none of these personal experiences, past and present, have
> anything to do with consumer electronics nor retail.  But policies
> were/are in place and I assure it is quite common in most business'.
> Policies are great but are often circumvented or policy violations are
> not enforced.

Interesting. I'd guess these are personal payments rather than company
payments, but maybe I'm wrong about that? Such conduct is often illegal.
It's too bad to learn how prevalent it seems to be among the people you

In my experience, it's quite rare in Silicon Valley, but I'm talking
about tech companies and products rather than retail ones. It's not that
all companies are saintly in everything they do, but the vast majority
do try hard to stay within legal boundaries. Most companies I know try
to be vigilant about shenanigans among field sales staff and things do
pop up from time to time. Especially abroad.

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