aubuti;520145 Wrote: 
> Obviously your purposes are different and that's fine, but please don't
> play it as "if only you have seen one".

Actually, I'm not so sure. I believe it's the same as the 90% of people
who come in with a "why would I want to stream to a 2nd room" when they
first think about a Squeezebox or something similar. They, too, can
imagine the use case, I'm sure about that, they just don't see how
useful it is when they didn't use it...

Agreed, maybe my rooms are closer and my doors more open, don't know.
But if _I_ turn down the music to take a call I don't want it to come
in, full volume from the next room. I agree that I usually use pause for
that one, though...

And whenever I hear music in one room and somebody else does
independently in another, chances are pretty high we listen to different
programming, too.

The main use case _I_ have is really adapting to time-of-day volume. I
_do_ want to use a different volume level at 3am than I use at 3pm and
yes, I do want the radio in the kitchen turn down with the volume in the
living room in that case. I may be special in that these kinds of volume
changes definitely make for most of my volume adjustments.

And whenever I had to turn down the volume in three rooms
independently, just because it was getting later I really knew what was


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at
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