ralphy;526693 Wrote: 
> Things have finally stabilized in the portaudio dev tree for wasapi at
> r1483.
> I've been working on adding WASAPI support to squeezeslave.
> I'm currently having issues when attempting to open the audio device.

I finally have a working WASAPI squeezeslave binary.

It currently requires that the audio device have exclusive access
enabled from the control panel to be able to use the audio device

I've tested it on Windows 7 64-bit and Vista 32-bit.  I had one BSOD on
Vista the first time I ran it, but could not reproduce it again.  It's
been rock solid on my Win7 system.

Please save anything you don't want to lose before running it, just in

I've included Direct Sound, ASIO and WASAPI binaries in the zip file
availabe from the google code 'downloads'
(http://code.google.com/p/squeezeslave/downloads/list) area.

Please report any issues to this thread.



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