arubaluba;538092 Wrote: 
> I think I solved the issue with version 3.3 as mentioned above. After
> trying to query de database with another client (HeidiSQL) and putting
> in the query string as produced by v3.3 from the log-file I got the
> following errormessage:'SQL Error (3): Error writing file  (Errcode:
> 28)'. With Google I found out that it had something to do with the
> temporary storage directory on the server. In my case (Synology DS107+)
> this was /tmp, mapped to some RAM-disk which was 64MB in size. I moved
> this space to some place on the harddisk by adding a line in ''
> and 'my.cnf' pointing tmpdir to /opt/tmp/mysql. This directory was
> given all access rights by chmod 777. After a reboot of the server I
> first tried the HeidiSQL client which produced no error anymore. After
> that I tried ACC v3.3 et voila I got myself a nice catalog!
> It's enough to change only the '' file. This is tested afterwards
> by replacing the 'my.cnf'-file by the original one and run ACC v3.3
> again.
> Regards, Rene

Wow. Good troubleshooting. My compliments and thx for the feedback. Can
you mail/post the changes required to the file? I'll see if I can
add them to the ACC website as it may help others.



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