fphredd;536802 Wrote: 
> csv works! All sounds good!

Well as I don't do application life-cycle management I'll be releasing
v3.4 soon instead of my previous notice to wait for SBS 7.6 ;-)

3.4 will have the following features added:
1. Option to enable drop shadows for album covers (looks really good)
2. Advanced option to export to CSV file (this one is for you fphredd)
3. Some additional header background colors (purple, red, pink, yellow,
other suggestions?)

Please send me a mail if you want to test this for me and I'll send you
a download link back when it is finished for testing.



Author of -'AlbumCatalogCreator' (http://acc.vanholt.nl)- for
Squeezebox'_' (http://www.badkamerpech.nl)Server .
1xTouch, 1xSB3, 1xDuet, 1xRadio, 1xiPhone iPeng, Ubuntu NAS + SBS
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