)p(;682050 Wrote: 
> I noticed that streams were not seekable.If you would revert to SBS v7.6.x 
> you could probably recover the
)p(;682050 Wrote: 
> Also I did see some small hickups in the jrmc progress bar in the first
> few seconds. But further it looks ok to me now.JRMC updates its own progress 
> bar in real time, periodically asks
Whitebear for its progress info, and readjusts its realtime value to
match what Whitebear gives it. So the glitches that you see are due to
this readjustment between realtime and remote progress settings; the
glitches would depend on network latency and rounding up/down to the
nearest second; and the larger the progress position, the smaller is
the relative impact of rounding...
)p(;682050 Wrote: 
> Did you get a response from jriver about the SetNextAvTransportURI
> support in jrmc?I did not check yet :-(



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