)p(;682050 Wrote: 
> I noticed that streams were not seekable.Hi )p(,

I have been doing a lot more testing and developing by trail and
error...  And I found a way that Whitebear can persuade SBS/LMS to
support the progress bar and also support the seek function. It works
on the (buggy) v7.7.1 and should also be backwards compatible with the
(non buggy) prior versions of SBS too.

I have posted a new test version under the same url that I sent in my
earlier PM to you. Can you please give it a try, and give me feedback.

Although it now supports seek on all formats. You will find that JRMC
itself has a bug (at least in v16.181) whereby it does not support seek
on flac files. I posted a report about this on the JRMC forum. However,
in the meantime, if you want seek with JRMC you need to set it to
"Always Convert" to "Uncrompressed L16 - No Header" (aka pcm).

Following is a summary of the changes introduced in this new test
version of Whitebear:

1) support for album cover art on Play To
2) fixed the seek bug and the progress bar bug that were introduced by
LMS/SBS v7.7.x
3) added support for the SetNextAvTransportURI function; thus enabling
those control points that support this function to provide a gapless
playback experience
4) increased streaming buffer sizes to reduce stuttering on transcoded
5) changed time resolution on play position information from seconds to
milliseconds to reduce glitchiness on control point progress bar
6) various stability improvements (still testing)

The respective bugs in JRMC and LMS/SBS, that were identified in this
process, have been notified to the respective developer teams.

Note to other readers of this post: Once I have got positive feedback
from )p( concerning this new test version, then a formal new public
version will be released on the web site in a couple of days.



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