I don't spend nearly as much time tweaking my system as I used to. I
kinda miss it, but it's a sign that the system CAN be reliable, despite
what an outsider may think by reading this forum. Thanks to the 3rd
party plugins, particularly Erland's suite, I can listen to my music
exactly how I want to. Even if Sonos found a way to replicate the
experience, why would I want to spend more money to do the same thing? 
Fortunately, I found a system that is both very flexible AND economical.

I hope Logitech continues to support this product. It truly reawakened
my love of music, and I am proof that digital music can be profitable to
the industry...I wouldn't have spent nearly as much on music if
Squeezebox hadn't come along.

GeeJay's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=11388
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=93924

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