DaveWr wrote: 
> I don't blame the situation on external developers but the strategy (or
> lack of) from Logitech.  There was no protection of Logitech value,
> consequently no business case.  As soon as derivation of players
> appeared on third party software products, there was an inevitable issue
> for Logitech.  I have no issue with these developers they did what is
> natural, but it was bound to have consequences.  I wouldn't invest in a
> business that has no protected intellectual property anymore.  The gate
> are open to all.
Logitech apparently thought that there was a business case since they
forked over $20 million for the concept and the brand, what has changed
since then has nothing to do with the protection of their intellectual
property so I fail to see your line of reasoning. Software players were
available before their purchase so no difference there, and they've
never generated any direct revenue.

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