Ok, so I just tried it with Radio Paradise on my SB3.

I paused the stream for about 3 minutes or so and when I un-paused it I
had not missed any audio.  The stream picked up right where I left off.

At this point (about 3 minutes behind the live stream) I paused it again
and left it for about 6 minutes.  This time un-pausing caused me to jump
back to "live".

It appears the device's buffer provides this "functionality" (I don't
really mind it one way or the other).  I listen to Radio Paradise at
128kbps so it makes sense that the SB3's 25mb buffer would give me just
over 3 minutes of paused audio.  If you're listening to lower-bitrate
streams then you'd have even more buffer (explains why I noticed it with
WAMU as I listen to that at just 32kbps -- gives me almost 15 minutes of
buffer for pausing).

If the newer devices (Touch, Radio) are configured to use all of their
available ram in this way you could pause a stream even longer.

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