ja2038 wrote: 
> Depending on the station, and I am listening to streams found via
> internet radio search ranging from local to faraway NPR stations as well
> as various AM stations, I can get anywhere from 30 seconds of buffer to
> literally 7 or more minutes (All of LA Woman and more.)
> This is a terrible behavior.
> Either there should be 30 minutes or 60 minutes or two hours or any DVR
> like amount of buffering,
> OR
> There should be none of this buffering for internet radio.
> If I am listening to the radio for music, I don't want a song to end
> abruptly in the middle and go on to the current song.
> If I want to stop listening to the distracting/annoying talk show and
> wait for the next show, I don't want to restart it and listen to the
> annoying voice again, I want the new content.
> As I've said before, I do not know how to STOP a stream.  I use an
> Android App or the Web App and near as I can tell, neither has any
> notion of clicking and holding.
> On internet radio, the pause/play button should be a stop/play button.

I'm not arguing with your feature request.  I can see merit to it
working either way but in the short term have you tried using power
on/off?  After turning it back on just hit play.

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