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Question: What should we call this new device?
- Vuvuzela 
- OpEncore 
- Melodia 
- Zela 
- Brikk 
- Open Music Box

reniera wrote: 
> don't like any of them. i suggest instead :
> squeezeback
> (it has almost zero match on google - that is important too)


just reminds me to a story like "wedding planning without a woman to

Just remember - its all about open/not so opensource - i you decide to
build and sell Hardware (even if you just put things from others
together) you have to have some issues like guarantie, helpdesk/support
and so on and on - thats not quite simply (maybe the company would stay
in China something should be different)
No one who can build the hardware itself together would buy such a
prebuild thing.
Unless there are the benefits of a big discount if some buys 10.000
items at once.

So i think its a waste of time and a young schoolboydream nothing more.

Just think of the Manpower behind logitech and that even this manpower
cant build a "new" logitechmediaserver without using old names in the
(if you run LMS under linux you know what i mean)

Did anyone ask the sharefolder, whats possible or not?

To make Manuals, Hardware compatibility lists maybe sometime a never
Version of LMS that are the goals to keep in mind.

Believe me if you wanna sell such things in Germany you have to get some
Certificates that "your" Hardware is in the range.


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