Thanks for asking about this, Erland. I've been hoping for this for a
long time, and support for multiple users within a family would make an
immense difference for m.
erland wrote: 
> For those of you who are living together with a spouse or kids, I'd like
> to understand a bit better how you would like to use local music
> libraries in the future. Ignore what's supported in LMS and Squeezebox
> today and instead think about how you would like it to work in the
> future. 
> Do you have a need to let each family member browse their library
> individually ?
Yes. However, it is important to understand what "library" means. I use
your multilibrary to setup different libraries for different family
members. However, these libraries may overlap if, for example, everyone
likes classic rock.
> If so, where are the music files stored ? On a central computer/NAS, on
> a computer/NAS per family member or on the portable device of each
> family member ?
> All music is stored on a NAS. As above, I use multilibrary to create
"views" for family members.
> If you have individual libraries, do you also have a need for shared
> libraries which is common for multiple family members ?
Yes. As described in the "classic rock" example above.
> Do you have a need to keep track of playlists for each family member ?Yes

> Do you have a need to keep track of favorites for each family member ?Yes

> Do you have a need to keep track of ratings and playback statistics for
> each family member ?Yes, this is critically important. The kids don't care 
> how I rate a
song. They only care how they rate it.
One important point here is that the notion of "user" is distinct from
"library." If my kids are browsing in my library and rating songs, they
are creating their own ratings, not modifying my ratings.

> Does each family member have individual players which only one of the
> family members mostly use ?A little bit, but it isn't uncommon to use someone 
> else' player.
> If so, should all players be controllable by everyone or do you want
> access to certain players to be restricted ? In that case why ?All players 
> should be controllable by everyone. 

> Does each family member have their individual remote control/smartphone
> to control the players or do you also have remote controls which you
> share between different family members ?Also have shared remote controls

> If you have a remote control which you share between multiple family
> members, is it a IR-remote, smartphone, tablet or computer ?Squeezebox 
> controller

> How would your dream system work to work as good as possible for usage
> of local music on Squeezeboxes and portable devices in your family ?As 
> described above, I'd like the system to have a notion of users, with
customized ratings, statistics, and views of the
entire music repository (My daughter sometimes likes to browse my
library, so libraries should not be completely hidden from different
users). Any support in this direction would be huge.

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