TheLastMan wrote: 
> Off topic for you, but the most useful thing for us would be a
> smartphone app which allowed the user to sync/cache music files and
> playlists from the LMS server to storage on the phone over wi-fi (for
> off-line use). At the moment I use OrangeSqueeze/SqueezePlayer to play
> music on my phone when at home, but have to download files manually from
> the LMS server to a 32GB card on the phone and use a different app to
> play music while away from my home network.

Found that I have an existing App that can go some of the way to doing
this.  Orange Squeeze, an Android Squeezebox controller app, has the
option to download files from your LMS library to your mobile phone. You
can also get it to transcode the files to MP3 format at a bit rate you
can set.

Unfortunately you cannot play the music off line using Orange Squeeze,
you will need to launch a separate App to play the music.  

It also does not do anything I cannot do already using a download app
like ES file explorer.  I already have my library in MP3 format as well
as FLAC so I don't really need the transcode function. What is more the
Transcoding is done on the server, and my NAS is not powerful enough to
do the transcoding, so this App will only allow me to download the
original FLAC files, which are rather too large for my mobile phone. 
So, in my case, I will stick to manually downloading from the MP3
version of my music library rather using this function.  

However, if you use a powerful server such as a PC or top-end NAS, then
this might be useful as an alternative to manually transcoding and
downloading music files to your mobile.

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