It's just me and my husband, no kids and the dogs don't care. I use the
Squeezebox system almost exclusively. He only plays music at his
computer or through his iPhone. Have never been able to get him
interested in trying to use Squeezeboxes, or even playing music from LMS
through iPeng on his iPhone. If he does use a Squeezebox, it is the
Radio--if he's working outside sometimes he will use the line-in
connected to his iPhone, despite having all the same music available
directly on the Radio through LMS. Go figure.

Our music is combined all together on a home server. I use ratings to
designate the music that is "mine" from "his." I use a static playlist
to designate "his" music, so that if we are together, I can easily
choose tracks we both like.  If it were separated, his music library
would be much smaller than mine, and we do have some overlap. If he were
able to restrict LMS to only a subset of the library that was his music,
I think he might be more inclined to use it, but there would have to be
an easy way for him to manage his library. I'd probably set it up for
him initially but I would want him to be able to add and remove things
from his library.

We each listen to music very differently. I use mixes and playlists. He
mostly listens to albums, or, on his iPhone he'll listen to all songs
sorted alphabetically. Favorites is not something I've used very much
and I doubt he would either. Not the way Favorites work in LMS now

I use ratings and playlist stats to manage my mixes. He probably would
not care about them.

> How would your dream system work to work as good as possible for usage
> of local music on Squeezeboxes and portable devices in your family ? 

Three libraries - All Music, Sue's Music, Russ's Music.

Each person would only have his or her library from his or her
controller. In our house, it would most likely be iPeng. So his iPhone
and iPad would default to his library, and mine would default to my
library. Either of us would have the ability to swap over to "All Music"
in order to choose music to be added to our individual libraries. As we
are listening, also, we could flag music to be removed from our
individual library but still keep it accessible from all music. Perhaps
within both of our separate libraries, there could be a sub-library or
"smart library" which would allow us to restrict music to only those
items that reside in both libraries, so when we are together we can
enjoy only the music we both like.

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