A year removed from the official end of the line for Squeezebox, and at
least in my case several years past when I considered it a dead product
as far as Logitech was concerned, Squeezebox remains a huge part of my
daily life. I have *11* "in production" squeezeboxes, with a few more in

Typical weekday: 
* First thing in the morning, reach over to the SB Touch (controlling an
SB Touch across the room) and queue up Staff Picks->Ben's
Picks->Podcasts->NPR News Hourly Summary. Listen to the 5 minute news
cast to hear about the latest Washington D.C. buffoonery.
* While making dinner, use Kitchen SB Touch (controlling an SB Classic
in the other room) to queue up audio entertainment. Radio Paradise gets
the most airplay during dinner prep. I also am a heavy user of Local
Music->New Music at this time in the day. Not sure what I'd do without
the chronological album sort that menu item provides.
* At dinner, play something appropriate for the meal from my local
collection. For example, Calexico is the Official Band of Taco
Tuesday(TM). Emiliana Torrini is half-italian, so she works great for
pizza and pasta (and, if I ever cook Icelandic, she'd get the occasional
nod over Bjork and Sigur Rios). On soup night I can't think of anything
better than The National, because so good. but so sad.

Typical Saturday:
* Saturday is waffle day (
). Depending on mood, stream either TSF Jazz from Paris or NPR Weekend
Edition (pro tip: It's pledge week for your NPR affiliate? Go find one
from a different part of the U.S. by browsing the Internet Radio menu.
No more pledge week!)
* Play some table tennis during the day to anyone who dares take on my
crazy ninja ping-pong skills. Table tennis playing is best accompanied
by the "mega mix" Local Music->Random Mix->Song Mix.
* Saturday night my daughters launch a dance party in their room using
the SB Boom. Downstairs, I play prankster and, using either the
smartphone app or the web browser, keep  pushing "Bangarang" by Skrillex
( https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox) on to their playlist,
replacing Kelly Clarkson. This goes over poorly, so I go easy and don't
do it more than 10 times.

Typical Sunday:
* Drink tea to relieve the cobwebs caused by excessive Skrillex playing,
listen to the current Staff Picks->Ben's Picks->Podcasts->Wait Wait
Don't Tell Me
* Oh boy, the house is a huge mess. Sync up the first floor with the
second floor and play something awesome, loudly, from the local library.
Lately: Silversun Pickups, Girl Talk ( not safe for work, but highly
recommended: http://grooveshark.com/#!/album/All+Day/5235582), Alt-J,

There is no existing product on the market that can deliver that level
of aural awesomeness. Not even the vaunted Sonos can give me the whole
house control that my existing Squeezebox setup does, largely because of
the prominent use of SB Touches as tabletop controllers through the
house. Or, to put it a different way, I can only control everything
through my smartphone or tablet if I a) can remember where I put the
*!@#! thing, and b) if I can take it from the steely grip of one of my
daughters. Squeezebox in its role as an audio unitasker actually has a
native UI, which for all of the other plusses of the ecosystem is THE
differentiator for me.

Squeezebox is dead. Long live Squeezebox!


Basement: 2x SBRadio in table-tennis/billiards room. Synced and
configured to do L channel through one and R channel through the other.
Controlled with an SB Touch in a more accessible spot.
First Floor: SBClassic into an A+B Stereo Denon Receiver. A speakers are
in living room, B speakers in Kitchen. Kitchen counter has an SB Touch
which functions as a controller.
Second Floor: Boom in the kids room, Boom in the guest room. Master
bedroom/bath SB Touch hooked up to A+B Stereo NAD Receiver. A speakers
in bedroom, B speakers in bathroom. SB Touch on my nightstand to control
it, SB Radio on the other nightstand.
Bonus: floating SB Radio with Battery. Mostly used on the back deck.

Former Logitech Developer: 
Community Developer: Nokia770Skin (r.i.p.)

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