I'm using my IPad2 and Squeezepad. I use a shelf in my bookcase as
"docking station", so that the IPad charges as I use it as a
Squeezeplayer. I can easily unplug it and occasionally use it for
websurfing. My pc-speakers sound has significantly improved, so maybe
the soundcard in the IPad is better?
I have no bitrate limit to my FLAC-stream :-) 

Thanks again for your advice.

Setup: 1 SB Classic, 1 Boom,(+ 4 laptops and a HTC Desire with
Logitech Media Server Version: 7.8.0 - 1395409907 @ Thu Mar 27 13:20:53
PDT 2014
OS: Debian - DA - utf8 (Squeezeplug)
Platform: armv5tel-linux
Perl-version: 5.10.1 - arm-linux-gnueabi-thread-multi
http://www.last.fm/user/adjunkten | 'http://www.lektoren.dk'
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