bpa wrote: 
> T
> As I see it now, more investigation is needed but it is on the LMS side
> - mainly determining how to create the http stream that the Chromecast
> device will play and how to interact with LMS as a SB player.

To a large extend, this is what I do with squeeze2upnp, as you know. It
shows LMS a proper squeezelite instance, receives the audio data, buffer
it locally and then offer to UPnP players a web server where they simply
'GET' this buffered audio data with a bit of header addition/byte order
manipulation. Then it also does the control command / feedback
translation between LMS 'protocol' and UPnP 'protocol' (pause, stop,
seek, timing, metadata, format negotiation, volume, next track
handling). I wish in reality this is a simple as that, as their are many
nasty details, but the principle remains valid

So, re-creating an HTTP stream for the chromecast device from the LMS
sent data would be very simple for me. What I don't know is how
complicated the control part is. 

For audio format translation, at the beginning I thought about doing
decoding/encoding inside squeeze2unp and the possibility is still here,
but I decided to focus on the mode where sq2u is more a simple forwarder
of audio data and let the LMS do the transcoding. This to say that
indicating to LMS what codecs are supported based on chromecast device
so that only acceptable format are sent is easy as well.

LMS 7.7.2 - 5 radio, 3 Boom, 4 Duet, 1 Touch, 1 SB2. Sonos 2xPLAY:1,
PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, JBL OnBeat, XBMC, Foobar2000, XBoxOne
(sort of)
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