Well, I'll be darned.  I'm not sure what happened with my previous tests
of the sample rate, but after some more futzing with Audacity it appears
that the Transporter can play the music just fine.

I'm not sure if this was user error, but I did discover some curious
inconsistencies with how Audacity performs on my Mac vs. my Linux box,
especially with how files are exported, and it's possible that the
software let me down.  And while I'm a tiny bit annoyed that the
Transporter couldn't handle these files as-is, as I wanted to preserve
these files from the rounding errors inherent with resampling, and keep
them immortalized as a perfect copy of the original digital source, I
think this will probably be a perfectly practical solution, and I'm
looking forward to doing an A/B test between the original LD source and
the Redbook-upsampled versions to see if I can hear any differences.

Thanks for all of your help with this.

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