iPhone wrote: 
> Many valid points as always dhallag. Yet I continue to see the major
> issue with today's Generation and today's hardware/software integration,
> which is today's youth mainly just want to use the latest and greatest
> ideas. Most really have no care as to how it works and more importantly
> to Squeezebox and LMS, they just want to turn it on having it completely
> ready to do what they bought it for. I have always wanted to know how it
> works while at the same time using it, I was the kid in the neighborhood
> that had to have the latest and greatest new electronic gizmo that just
> came out. I build my first crystal radio set at age 9 and by age 12 I
> was building my own RF Transceivers, Amplifiers, and Antennas. Again,
> teens today just want to turn it on.
> This came to a huge realization when I walked out of the used CD Shop
> the other night. It is right beside a Starbucks and a 20 something came
> over and asked me why I still bought CDs? I said so that I can rip them
> and store them so I could play them back at home, in my car, and at our
> weekend getaways. He really didn't know how to rip CDs as he thought you
> just bought Songs from iTunes or Amazon or used Spotify. He said he had
> about bought about 30 gig of songs then started using Spotify instead of
> buying. I told him that I had complete albums, not just the one or two
> hit songs from albums bought via single song downloads. I told him I had
> 8TB of my favorite songs in the Thunderbird and showed him. I told him I
> owned them and didn't need to pay a monthly service fee or have an
> Internet connection to have access to them or play them. I did agree
> that for his monthly fee he had access to 30 Million Songs, and if I
> were just starting out today that it would be a hard choice to make for
> me but that some of the things I like will never be on Spotify so in the
> end I would still be owning and ripping CDs.
> Sonos is dead to me for two main reasons: their system will not handle
> my huge music library and their over priced hardware is nowhere near the
> quality that I can buy on the open market for less money. As for Roon,
> it is a slick interface, but I am listening to music not wanting to
> watch Metadata. When I am watching and listening, that is a Blu-ray or
> DVD in my home theater room. LMS just does what I need it to do. Years
> ago, I converted over to Vortexbox for my servers and have never looked
> back because Vortexbox runs Tonido, Plex, and LMS perfectly for me.
> Learning Linux has been talked about, but one really doesn't need to
> unless one wants to get the most out of ones server and LMS. And it is
> not like one needs to write ones own code, one just needs to learn how
> to SSH and then follow directions others more versed in Linux in the
> community provide. But Linux is king in my opinion, who in the world can
> work with Microsoft Server or Windows 10 OS? Many of my friends and
> neighbors are using LMS and Squeezebox now, and I have upgraded everyone
> of them to Vortexbox because all they have to do is feed their Vortexbox
> a CD anytime they buy new music.  
> There is a reason many people use iTunes, and the main reason is NOT
> that it is the best choice for listening to music! It is because it is
> point and click and comes preinstalled on almost everything Apple and it
> just works!
> .

Yes to all of the above.  ;)  At the same time, I see the market a
little differently.  So I live in Chicago and have good relations with
two high end audio consultants here called "Decibel" and "Audio
Consultants"  I too am frustrated with companies like Sonos and Apple
and Spotify as they I feel are complicit with it being ok to listen to
crappy quality music.  Decibel is expanding it's services and Audio
Consultant is consolidating.  I don't think it's a coincidence that a
short time after the move from CD's to digital music streaming, there's
been an upsurge in vinyl.  Even in crappy home systems, the vinyl sounds
better.  At the same time, much of the move also has to do with the
listening experience -- reading a seeing the music and the artist.  And
people including me want convenience.  The debate about the difference
between the purist listener who doesn't care about metadata versus the
convenience of digital media streaming is crap.  It's the wrong debate
to be having because it puts us at odds over the entire music
experience.  There is no one right way or wrong way to listen to music. 
We need to stop fighting about our turf and understand that the entire
music experience is important:  music source quality, ease of use, ease
of access, how you listen to music, metadata, and how it sounds.  And we
have the technology to bring it all together.  I spent a ton of time,
effort and money to insure that my music sounds excellent within excess
dollars.  Everyone loves the sound of my place.  At the same time,
everyone loves the klarita Muso "Now Playing" screen that they see while
listening to music.

If we want LMS to be around for a while, we gotta address this as a
community and put away our 'elitist' turf wars.  Companies like
BlueSound and Roonlabs will be eating LMS's lunch in two - five years if
we don't.

LMS 7.9.1 on QNAP 219P+
3 wired Touch End Points
Jolida Tube DAC III
Marantz 2270 to Boston Acoustics Slimlines
Marantz 7010 to B&W CM10 S2
dhallag's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=30845
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107925

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