I've been lucky, most of my gear is 9 years old, have only had to
replace PSU for one duet receiver, fortunately that's working fine. 
Long term, I would love to go with Chromecast Audio due to size and
cost, if the sync issue can be addressed. Not HiFi, but unfortunately, I
can't really hear the difference anymore.  Otherwise will go to
Raspberry PI.  Currently running LMS on one and very happy, using
Max2Play - arbitrarily started with that and its working fine so stayed
with it.

Replacing the radios and the boom will be more challenging - their are
some Android boomboxes out there, so if/when I run into needing to
replace them, would see what's out there before building an RPi

"You know, I'm all for progress. It's change I object to."
Mark Twain

LMS 7.9 on Raspberry Pi3 w/200GB SD 
5 Receivers, 1 Boom, 2 Radios, 1 Controller, 1 iPhone & 1 iPad w/iPeng,
1 Android phone w/Squeezer
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