philippe_44 wrote: 
> I have to concur to the idea. I have been having homeplugs forever, all
> generations, all brands and they always have been a consistent disaster
> with issues like what you describe. If you can, remove them. I’ve not
> been able to get rid of all of them unfortunately, but at least I just
> have 2 for a simple bridge

I agree. They tend to start off working ok then seem to degrade badly
with exactly these symptoms.
I ended up wiring key rooms to remove home plugs from the equation and
upgraded the WiFi with 2 x Business grade APs.

[B]Living Room* - Joggler & SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 -> Celestion F20s
*Office* - Pi3+Sreen -> Sony TAFE320 -> Celestion F10s / Pi2+DAC & SB3
-> Onkyo CRN755 -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom 
*Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - Pi2+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - SB Touch ->Sherwood AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s
Everything controlled by iPeng
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