I think the term "album" has been used figuratively ever since we moved
beyond the (literal) multipocket album of 78 rpm records, like the one
depicted here: 

'Toscanini recording of Haydn Symphony on Discogs'

How else could you package a recording of something that was too long to
fit on an individual or "single" record? With an LP, all that could go
on just one disc. To put it in more contemporary terms, an LP was a
VIRTUAL album. There's no reason a cassette or 8-track tape cartridge
couldn't be considered an album, too, but by the late sixties we were
accustomed to equating "album" with "LP". I wonder if that was true when
people (a few people, anyway) were buying albums on reel-to-reel tape.

EPs never caught on in the US, but I had a few in my collection. We
couldn't understand why some of the Beatles' recordings, like Magical
Mystery Tour, were released first on EP.

As far as I'm concerned, an album is still an album, even if it's a
collection of files or a stream.

LMS 8 nightly; 3 Squeezelite players connected by powerline ethernet; 5
wireless players connected via Airplay Bridge; 1 SqueezeAmp player
no high-end or esoteric audio gear
1 Squeezebox Radio (upgraded UE Smart Radio) now mostly retired
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