Michaelwagner Wrote: 
> He was born in Scotland, but he moved to Canada and became a Canadian
> citizen. He was in the US when he did the experiments that led to the
> telephone, but his citizenship at the time was Canadian. I read in one
> place that he later acquired American citizenship. He was buried in
> Canada when he died.
> Most people think that the telephone was invented by an American. The
> final steps that led up to the telephone (the "Mr. Watson, come here"
> first message) were done in the US, but much of his earlier research
> was done in Canada.
> Interestingly enough, he was really looking for something to help the
> deaf when he invented the telephone instead. Someone in his family (his
> parents?) was deaf. He later married someone who was deaf. The
> foundation he started still exists:
> http://www.agbell.org/DesktopDefault.aspx

Yes, yes, Americans are self-absorbed, obnoxious and think that their
culture is the center of the universe.

Now can we get back to the actual thread topic and cease with the
vulgar hijacking and whining about how this is only going to initially
be available in the US?

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