I'm relatively new to the forum so I've been doing my best to read as
much as I can to quickly get up to speed.  I had plenty of time to
fiddle with Slimserver without the use of an actual Squeezebox thanks
to UPS (have to thank the Slim support guys for finally putting UPS in
their place and sending out a replacement unit).

Anyway, I've seen countless numbers of posts asking what hardware to
use as a server and even more replies suggesting nearly any system will
work fine.  That even a lowly PII at a couple of hundred MHz is
suitable, etc...

I'm sure you can run Slimserver on an imbedded Micro if the software
dependancies are all met, but a slow system is far from ideal.

I first installed Slimserver on one of the machines I keep on 24/7.  A
Mac server that runs a few development mySQL databases, bug tracking
software and SVN.  These services require very little CPU time as
they're only access a few times per day.

The hardware consists of a Dual Processor 533MHz PowerMac G4 connected
to my LAN with 100baseTX.  

While browsing the web interface in cover mode I've been finding load
times unacceptably slow.  It's painful to use the web interface for
extended periods.  I'm sure some people may find it acceptable, but
when I get better performance loading graphics intensive sites from the
Internet, that's a problem for me.

Yesterday I increased the thumbnail size from 100 pixels to 120 pixels
- which obviously made matters even worse.

Today as an experiment, I moved all the music over to an Intel Core Duo
(1.66GHz) Mac mini.  Its boot drive is a slow 2.5" model but the music
is on the same 250GB external Firewire drive as I've been using all

I copied the whole preferences folder from the G4 and installed the
current (11-29) nightly (same as the G4).  The complete scan/indexing
of the library was much faster than on the G4.  That's not a huge
concern as I'll usually clear the whole DB manually before going to bed
if I need to load updated tracks (scanning from the UI whether complete
or not, is just not as reliable yet).

Speed while browsing has drammatically increased.  I mean, I still find
the web interface somewhat slow (Perl is slow, there's no way around
that), but it's simply much faster than it was on the G4.

If I had a faster system I'd continue testing with that to get
additional deltas, bt unfortunately I don't at the moment.

Seeing as the 6.5 stream uses mySQL, it only makes sense that
Slimserver craves some CPU performance.  While a lowly system may be
able to stream tracks to one or more Squeezeboxes without much effort,
access to the web UI - and therefore complex real-time queries,
requires some muscle.

So what's the point?  Just an observation.  I'm not suggesting everyone
go out and buy new machines.  I'm not certain I can leave the mini as
the server for long - it's one of my development and test machines aqnd
I'd hate to have to interrupt the music while working on a problem with
my own software.

If I can make a wish for 7.0 it's for increased stability and speed,
while eliminating the outstanding bugs of the 6.5 stream. I think most
of us would wait on new features to have something solid to use in the


*'Twisted Melon - Fine Mac OS Software' (http://twistedmelon.com) |
'mira - Personal Control for your Apple Remote'
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